August 30, 2011

Dear friends, truth seekers, patriots and philosophers,

The following letter was written in response to our impact on the world and how we treat one another. We are living, even now, in a time of great plenty and great opportunity. It will not be so in the near future, and we are at a point where we need to decide how we will prepare for that future. The food, the land, the water, natural resources, clean environments, are going to become much less plentiful, and people can discern this on some level. We can prepare for it by making mass weapons to make murder easier to commit, to horde those resources for ourselves, or we can prepare with shared sacrifices and common goals for all. People can be conditioned to live like slaves, with a weak many passively submitting to the will of a few strong, the weak being higher on the food chain than livestock but lower than free, free-thinking individuals, or we can prepare for the future by developing brotherhood and understanding, acknowledging that all are God’s children, to be treated with the love with which we ourselves would want to be treated were circumstances reversed.

We are not currently on a path that leads toward the latter, better future, but many of us have ideas of what that path might look like. God has given us the free will to choose, both as individuals and as a collective, but too many people of good conscience want nothing to do with the idea that we can serve a better, greater purpose, while those who choose to do evil do it in the name of just such a purpose, often appealing to baser instincts in the name God. I wrote Truths of God to give people an opportunity to consider how things could, and should, be different than they are, while we have the luxury of time and resources to choose a better path. Teaching a better understanding that can be communicated and carried forward into the future is not a simple thing, but it is our best hope. In a day when the present changes so quickly when compared to the past, our understanding is our evolution. Most people of intellect and character vehemently resist the notion that a better understanding can be taught to them, that they can choose a different dogma, but it has been put upon me to ask that you read this letter and reconsider with an open mind and an open heart what has been and what could be.

While many will not read Truths of God, some have read it multiple times and have loved it. Maybe you will embrace the simple concepts set forth, and maybe you will only glean a few ideas that you might later translate to others that can ease them in the direction of a path to a better world as you can conceive it. I can ask only that you read Truths of God. If you have anything to add or comment, or if you feel encouraged to share it with others, so much the better. It has the power to change people for good. The future holds many realities that are beyond our control, but we can all make choices, as burdensome as that concept may seem. It is within our power to make the future of this world a little more like heaven, for ourselves and for others, for future generations, or we can make it more like hell. I thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

So it is
Bob Young