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Name: Bishop Thomas Gumbleton
Message: Dear Bob,

Thank you for sharing Truths of God with me. Your note indicating that you hoped that I would find it both spiritually invigorating and enjoyable to read was right on the money - I thought it was both. Your challenge to the readers that we leave this world in a better way than we came into it by first changing ourselves can resonate to any person of good will.

You must be a very reflective person and I appreciate all the time, prayer and reflection that you put into writing Truths of God.


Tom Gumbleton

Name: Rabbi Amy Bernstein
Message: Dear Bob,
Thank you so much for sending to me a copy of your well thought out & beautifully articulated piece! How I wish more people of good will understood your points about a plurality of understandings, and about how serving God in this world is valuable & needed. How I wish more people of all faiths strove to protect & nourish our planet & the many wonderful people who inhabit it. I will keep it on my shelf to turn to when people try to use the Christian Bible (or the Hebrew Bible for that matter) to further an agenda of greed, hate & selfishness. Keep up the good & holy work you're so wonderfully about.

Name: Joan
Message: Hi, Bob,

I finally got a chance to read the whole thing. I was afraid you were a Christian fundamentalist when I first really talked with you, when we briefly discussed religion.
Admittedly, I skimmed a few chapters but read most of it intently. As an advanced writing teacher and English Ed. student who has studied and studies and will study argumentation and the teaching of argumentation, I find your argument to be resolutely sound and that is a tall order for a subject so taboo to many. You provide more than ample examples, research, and anecdotes to make your points but clearly articulate and dismantle opposing arguments.
I really enjoyed reading this, and it made me reevaluate and clarify my own beliefs. I whole-heartedly agree with your thesis, believing in God as ultimately believing in Good and vice versa. I have always defaulted to being agnostic, mostly because I did not have the energy or inclination to do what you have done. It is staggering, really, the complexity of your thought process and perfected articulation and support for something so simple, but beautiful and necessary just the same. Thanks for sharing,

Name: Thomas Owens
Message: Bob's message is universal to many generations advocating a life of loving social service and apprehension of universe values and meanings under God. Truly the fatherhood of God implies the brotherhood of Man. Bob makes this and other noble precepts most explicit using everyday language! God bless!!!