
September 20, 2010

Dear friends, truth seekers, patriots and philosophers,

You may have received an earlier version of the enclosed letter which was drafted in September of 2008. If so, my apology that it was hastily written and incomplete, but I felt compelled to get the message into people's hands. I was very much aware at the time that the letter was not yet complete. But if we aren't careful we can lose ourselves in research. Sometimes we reach a point where the need to act exceeds the need to prepare. The September 2008 letter was the result.

I did get reactions and critiques to the first draft from many, including noted scholars. Some people read it two and three times each. While the original message was sloppily constructed, it still touched some people deeply. The praises and questions I've received back helped me to complete my work, and the enclosed letter is the result. I've included some of the responses received back with this cover letter to give you some idea what you would be reading and the positive impressions it has made on other people, so please give them a look.

Truths of God is a forward-looking spiritual philosophy. You can think of it as you might the first car, and the first draft was a prototype. While it's still in development you need third parties to test drive it to know what people really think. Initially most people believe that a horse-drawn carriage is far superior, and others prefer the safety of a train or simply walking. But some people, people with vision, can see that it is not only something different, but something better than what has existed before it. Given that others are more difficult to reach, the impetus is on me to make the message clearer so it can be more widely appreciated. The concept of transportation wasn't invented with the car. The real innovation was the wheel, but the car made transportation better and allowed common people ownership of it. Truths of God is to spiritual understanding what the car has been to transportation. It is not the best method that will ever be, but at this point in time it is the best conveyance we have to get where we need to go.

While it has yet to be widely circulated, Truths of God has infected the thoughts and aspirations of a few, inspiring new hope and belief in many of them. The final version is much more potent and communicable. It has the potential to become an epidemic of understanding and positive thought. Regarding the improvements to the letter, the typical initial response I've gotten is, "it's wonderful." Some people feel that the first two chapters are cumbersome, but that "it gets better and better." The relevance of the early chapters becomes more clear as the letter progresses. Rather than try to encapsulate these truths in a few sentences I ask that you simply read it for yourself and draw your own conclusions. You are mistaken if you presume to know what you will find. Many people will love it, and some people are still going to hate it for reasons that will become obvious. It has the potential to change people for good. I humbly submit Truths of God to you and ask that you read every page and decide for yourself. I thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

So it is
Bob Young